Numbers Don't Lie, People Do

Posts tagged “mlb team breakdowns

2011 Team Breakdown: New York Yankees

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Mariano Rivera; Center: A.J. Burnett; Right: Alex Rodriguez

Best Pitcher: Mariano Rivera; Make/Break Year: A.J. Burnett; Best Batter: Alex Rodriguez; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 9
  • Defense: 8
  • Bullpen: 9
  • Intangibles: 8

Potential Record: 92-70; I have the Yankees losing a couple of games as compared to last year and this is mainly due to the loss of Pettitte. This record is considering it A.J. performs the same as last year, it he does better, then I think that they can replicate last year’s record.

Place in the division: 2nd; I have the Yankees in the same exact position as last year in the division. While last year, they could have easily won the division, this year, I think it will be a tougher task. But I do think that they will easily find themselves in the second spot.


Scoring Detail

The Yankees got an overall score of 40 for various reasons. A score of 40 indicates that this team will perform exceptionally well this year (80%), but due to their lack of pitching prowess, will not win the division.

  1. The Yankees got a score of 6 for starting pitching because as anyone who was following the offseason drama knows, they needed better starting pitching but did not exactly achieve that goal. The Yankees did not get their man (in Cliff Lee) and lost a valuable asset in their rotation by the retirement of Andy Pettitte (we’ll miss you). Now, what they do have not that bad of a rotation. The problem however is the only real stable guy they have in the rotation is C.C. This year (in regards to their pitching as well as the entire season) will depend if A.J. Burnett can (at least) replicate his 2009 season. If he does, this rotation can be a 7 but as is, it is a 6.
  2. The Yankees got a score of 9 for their offense/lineup because this is a pretty loaded lineup without any really bad falters within it. One through nine, there are all guys that can hit the baseball and get runs in different ways. This is a well balanced lineup as well, which means that they have a good balance of righty, leftys and switch hitters. And as fan who watched nearly all of their games last year, the Yankees are a patient hitting team overall and the majority of the guys have really good OBP numbers. The Yankees lineup is the closest lineup to what an ideal lineup should look like. I did not give them a perfect score however because there are two minor things that weaken the lineup. One, is concerning how will Derek Jeter handle this year (I say he rebounds, and that is not because I am a fan). Two, the age of some of their hitters can come into affect (though, again I don’t think it is as bad as a concern that some people make it).
  3. The Yankees got a score of 8 for their defense because they have one of the best defenses in the league. Nearly every starter has really good career numbers at their respective positions. The shining example of why this is one the best in the league is the fact that the Yankees have the only complete Gold Glove infield in baseball. Now, the problem that everyone and their mamas are complaining about the Yankee defense is the left half of their infield is aging (namely Jeter and A-Rod). I don’t think that this will play a role in 2011, Jeter only had 6 errors at shortstop last season but it may in the future.
  4. The Yankees got a score of 9 for their bullpen because I, in agreement with many other people, think that they have the best bullpen in this 2011 season in the entire MLB. First, they deserve a suburb high score in this category for having the greatest closer of all time, Mariano Rivera. After him, they have the best setup man in Soriano and a potential regular 7th inning man in David Robertson. Their other relievers are good as well and have a really good lefty specialist in Pedro Feliciano. When first planning the score for the team, I would have given the Yankees a perfect score in this category (a 10) but there are some health questions with Feliciano and I can’t give a team without a stable LOOGY, a perfect score.
  5. The Yankees got a score of 8 for intangibles because, they are the Yankees. Even when other teams may be perceived better than them in a given year, the Yankees are always one of the most feared teams. They are a perennial postseason team, even if they find themselves in problems during the year, they find a way to rebound.


That’s it people. Tell me what you think about my projections. In my next post tomorrow, I will give you the top 5 teams in the National League. The next day the same thing in reference to the American League. We are getting so closing to Opening Day (which I also have exciting news about), Until Next Time…


P.S. I added a new page for the 2011 season for the Yankees…check it out

2011 Team Breakdown: Boston Red Sox

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Jon Lester; Center: Jonathan Papelbon; Right: David Ortiz

Best Pitcher: Jon Lester; Make/Break Year: Jonathan Papelbon; Best Batter: David Ortiz; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 8
  • Offense (lineup): 8
  • Defense: 7
  • Bullpen: 8
  • Intangibles: 9

Potential Record: 101-61; I have the Red Sox winning a lot more games this year as compared to last year. This is due to two obvious reasons. First, last year was marked by health problem and was not a true indication of their abilities. Second, the additions they made will make this team so much better.

Place in the division: 1st; I have the Red Sox bumping up two spots and capturing this division. Looking at how they are right now, they are the best team in this division and probably the best in the league.


Scoring Detail

The Red Sox got an overall score of 40 for various reasons. A score of 40 indicates that this team will perform exceptionally well this year (80%), and will not only win the division but all are postseason favorites in 2011.

  1. They got a score of 8 for starting pitching because they Red Sox by far have the strongest rotation in the American League. This rotation should win them many games in this 2011 season. After saying all of this you probably wondering why they did not get a 10. It is because there are some questions marks toward the end of the rotation. Their fourth and fifth starters, Beckett and Dice-K, respectively have been not as good as advertised and the past two years. If they both do better, then this score would be a 9, other wise, it is still an 8.
  2. They got a score of 8 for their offense/lineup because if you look at how loaded this lineup is you can’t help but give them a really good score. Almost every guy on the team has good OPS (not necessarily good BAs though, some are not that good in this regard). This lineup should produce many runs. Again why the lower than perfect score, because this is not a perfect lineup. There are TOO MANY LEFTIES. Any team with with really good lefty pitchers can beat this lineup. (Good thing for Red Sox fans, there aren’t too many of those in the league to go around)
  3. They got a score of 7 for their defense because the Red Sox are good defensive team but there are better ones in the league. Individually over their career, the starters have very respectable defensive numbers, especially Dustin Pedroia. The only negative concerning this team’s defense is the fact that their shortstop Marco Scutaro, had a bad defensive year last year (18 errors) and is not as good as a shortstop as compared to the other positions he can play.
  4. They got a score of 8 for their bullpen because they have a crop of really good relief pitchers. Adding Bobby Jenks to this bullpen will be an asset for them in 2011. As for the negatives, the name is simply Papelbon. He had a really bad year last and I am not sure if he will rebound from it either. Even in the years before last year, he has been unclutch in important moments of games. (And, added as my personal opinion, which does not reflect any actual proof, he doesn’t seem as happy with the Red Sox as he did in the beginning of his career).
  5. They got a score of 9 for intangibles because as of right now, the Red Sox are many people favorites not only to win this division but also to get to the World Series. Like the Phillies, they are the team (in the AL) that everyone is wanting to go after and I think more than the Phillies, they can handle all of the spotlight.


Finally, the team everyone has been waiting to here about, and c’mon, the real reason for my 30 in 30, the reason why I and millions of people Bleed Blue, the New York Yankees, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Baltimore Orioles

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Koji Uehara; Right: Vladdy Guerrero

Best Pitcher: Koji Uehara; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Vladdy Guerrero; edited with Picnik; photos ©picture source unknown and AP

  • Starting Pitching: 3
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 3
  • Intangibles: 3

Potential Record: 77-85; I have the Orioles winning a lot more games than last year and this is because I think the added offense plus have Showalter will help this team pull some more wins.

Place in the division: 5th; I have the Orioles in the last place in the division once again. Even with the additions they made in 2011, I don’t think it is enough to get far in this division.


Scoring Detail

The Orioles got an overall score of 21 for various reasons. A score of 21 indicates that this team will perform decidedly below average (42%), and because of it will be in the last place in the division again.

  1. They got a score of 3 for starting pitching because the Orioles have a pretty weak rotation. Their best pitchers on the team are young (i.e. only in the majors 2/3 years) and there no guarantee that they will continue to perform as well as they have been. The rest of the guys are definitely sub-par in this department. None of these guys will blow you away and you can get to them even on your bad day.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense/lineup because unlike the other aspects of their team, the Orioles can actually hit. The team has good hitters and have gotten better with the addition of Mark Reynolds and Vladdy. However, I don’t think that Reynolds is going to be as great of an addition as a lot of people think. He is known for striking out A LOT (211 last year) and that was in the NL, image his number in this division facing tougher pitchers.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because the Orioles have your league average defenders. Like the overwhelming majority of the league, they have good enough defense to get the job done. No one on the team has spectacular career defensive numbers but no one is an error king either. The only person that is questionable to me is Reynolds because his career defensive numbers at third base (what the O’s have him starting at) are not good, i.e. one year he had 19 errors another and astonishing 34 errors.
  4. They got a score of 3 for bullpen because it is very comparable to their starting pitching. They do have some guys that are good relievers but the majority of them are not, so much so that they almost laughable. Even with many additions that they made to the bullpen, I don’t think it improved compared to last year, it is still just about the same.
  5. They got a score of 3 for intangibles because the Orioles are almost unanimously decided to be the worst team in the AL East in 2011 and with that, you can’t have too many positives coming their way. The only reason I did not give the O’s a lower score is because they have a good manager in Showalter to at least inspire this team. But with the rest of the aspects of the team, he is nowhere near enough.


Tomorrow I will be covering one of two teams people really care to hear about and my hated rivals amongst their fanbase, the Boston Red Sox, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Toronto Blue Jays

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Ricky Romero; Center: Jose Bautista; Right: Adam Lind

Best Pitcher: Ricky Romero; Make/Break Year: Jose Bautista; Best Batter: Adam Lind; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 5
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Bullpen: 4
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 87-75; I have the Blue Jays winning a couple more games only due things replicating how it was last year for the team (only including the team dynamics, not other things in the division/league).

Place in the division: 3rd; I have the Blue Jays back in their normal place in the division and really it is slightly because of things out of their control. The teams above them are way better and the teams below are just worse, so they find themselves here.


Scoring Detail

The Blue Jays got an overall score of 26 for various reasons. A score of 26 indicates that this team will perform slightly above average (52%), and will find themselves in the average position in the division.

  1. They got a score of 5 for starting pitching because in regards to their rotation, they are in the same boat as the White Sox. Their ace pitcher, Ricky Romero is still young so I won’t say if he is really good or just average but as for the rest of them, are below average starters. The other 4 guys have ERAs in the mid 4.00s and WHIPs around 1.50. This is not enough to succeed in this division.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense because the Blue Jays have a team full of potential DH’s, which translates to a highly offensive team. The only problem with this that they team full of pure sluggers and therefore they have low BAs. If you can’t prevent this team from hitting home runs than you can easily stop them, they won’t get you in another aspect of scoring.
  3. They got a score of 6 for their defense because they have decent defenders with decent defensive numbers. This team won’t make too many defensive mistakes, so you have to capitalize when they do. They are a little weak with having J.P. Arencibia as their starting catcher but I’ll give him a chance after seeing him in a full season.
  4. They got a score of 4 for their bullpen because the Blue Jays have a weak bullpen full of below average relievers. Their closer, Octavio Dotel, does not have closer numbers as he was just a normal reliever in his career and still had below average numbers any way. The rest of the guys have sketchy numbers when they do really good one year and bad the next. You don’t what you are getting from these guys and reliability is something that a team needs in their bullpen and they don’t have it.
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles because they are unluckily in the AL East were they won’t get far. Not to mention, they are relying on a lot of hopes to even repeat last year (Bautista’s home runs, Romero continuing to pitch well again) and losing Vernon Wells doesn’t help. But a slight positive is they seem to find themselves in the middle of this division a lot. Home runs are better than no runs.


Tomorrow, I will be covering the last of the bird teams in the majors, the Baltimore Orioles, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Tampa Bay Rays

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: David Price; Center: Rays Logo; Right: Manny Ramirez

Best Pitcher: David Price; Make/Break Year: the entire Rays staff; Best Batter: Manny Ramirez; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 5
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 4
  • Intangibles: 2

Potential Record: 84-78; I have the Rays losing a lot of games as compared to last year and it is because they lost a lot of key players. Without the guys they lost, even with their additions, they will finding themselves in the losers column.

Place in the division: 4th; I have the Rays taking a far drop in the division. This is no longer a champion caliber team, especially not in this division. They lost too many key people to even try to fight for the top spot again.


Scoring Detail

The Rays got an overall score of 22 for various reasons. A score of 22 indicates that this team will perform below average (44%), and because of this and the division they are in, they will be going nowhere fast in this division.

  1. They got a score of 6 for starting pitching because I don’t think that their rotation is not as bad as some people think. The majority of the guys have pretty good ERA and WHIP numbers. I also reason I think that people are saying this rotation is bad is because the Rays play in the tough division in the majors and need more than this to get in it.
  2. They got a score of 5 for their offense/lineup because on its own, but like their starting pitching, it is not enough to really get by in the AL East. I am not sure if everyone thinks that adding Damon and Manny will boost this team, but I am here to say that adding these aging stars are enough to win anything.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because overall, the Rays have a good defense. The Rays are not known for having stellar defense but I think that they are under looked in this regard. So, why did I give them a 5? First, their third baseman, Evan Longoria, doesn’t have the best defensive numbers. Two, having Johnny Damon as their starting left fielder is not the best. He is known for his notoriously weak arm.
  4. They got a score of 4 for their bullpen because after losing the integral parts of their bullpen this off season, they are left with pretty below average relievers. You can’t take this bullpen seriously when they plan to use Kyle Farnsworth as their closer, a severe downgrade from Soriano.
  5. They got a score of 2 for intangibles because in other divisions the Rays would have more of a fighting chance (i.e. they would be a 50% team otherwise) but playing the AL East is heavily working against their chances. With 44% of the games played are against division rivals and 3 of the 4 teams better than them, they don’t have a chance.


Tomorrow, I will be covering the only non-U.S. based team in the major leagues, the Toronto Blue Jays, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Oakland Athletics

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Andrew Bailey; Center: Trevor Cahill; Right: Josh Willingham

Best Pitcher: Andrew Bailey; Make/Break Year: Trevor Cahill; Best Batter: Josh Willingham; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 7
  • Offense (lineup): 5
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 7
  • Intangibles: 8

Potential Record: 84-78; I have the Athletics winning more games this season because I only see them getting better. There is a young, fresh feelibg over the A’s camp that will translate in to success.

Place in the division: 2nd; I have the Athletics in the same position in the division as last year. The only reason I don’t have them doing better in 2011 in light of the positive rating is that they are just not on the level of the Rangers yet. The hitting from this team has to improve dramatically.

Scoring Detail

The Athletics got an overall score of 31 for various reasons. A score of 31 indicates that this team will perform well above (62%), but it will not be enough to capture the first spot in the division.

  1. They got a score of 7 for starting pitching because they have a really young rotation. The upper half of the rotation have only been pitching upwards of 2 to 5 years and have gotten better as time as gone on. Some people may be skeptical in this regard but I that the Athletics young guys in the rotation are coming to form and that the level that they performed last year is what you can expect for their careers. The future holds potential greatness and their 2011 looks really nice.
  2. They got a score of 5 for their offense/lineup because this really a basic lineup of players. Almost every starter has an average BA, an average OPS numbers (i.e. this means average on base percentage and well as slugging). You don’t expect a lot of hitting out the the A’s and in fact you don’t really get it either. This offense really relies off the strength of their pitching, both starting and relief.
  3. They got a score of 4 for their defense because the majority of the guys on the team are good defenders, not exactly great. They have the “I get the job done” mood in this respect. I would have gave them a higher score in 2011 but their shortstop, Cliff Pennington, had 25 errors last season and I am not sure how he will rebound defensively.
  4. They got a score of 7 for their bullpen because it almost a parallel of their starting pitching. The bulk of the bullpen is young and have gotten better with time. Facing this bullpen, you have to hope that you score your runs early because they barely falter. The A’s have a very promising young closer in Andrew Bailey and the rest of the relievers aren’t far behind.
  5. They got a score of 8 for intangibles because the Athletics have a lot to look forward to every year coming up in the future. This is mainly due to efficiency of their young pitchers. I expect them to just as good if not better in that regard. The only thing stopping this team from getting farther is their lackluster hitting.


Tomorrow, I will be covering the first team in the last division, the Tampa Bay Rays,  getting closer to baseball time, can you feel it, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Jared Weaver; Right: Bobby Abreu

Best Pitcher: Jared Weaver; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Bobby Abreu; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 7
  • Offense (lineup): 5
  • Defense: 8
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 82-80; I have the Angels winning a couple of more games this year to go over .500. I think this happen mainly due to the addition of Vernon Wells to their offense.

Place in the division: 3rd; I have the Angels in the exact same place in the division as last year because although they did not really get any worse, they did not significantly better either.

Scoring Detail

The Angels got an overall score of 29 for various reasons. A score of 29 indicates that this team will perform a bit above average (58%), and will not go far in the division because of it.

  1. They got a score of 7 for starting pitching because the Angels do not have starting pitchers that will blow you away but they are very efficient at what they do. Every guy in this rotation has good career numbers and has proven that they can have stellar years. In looking at this rotation as a whole, it seems to be made up of your average number 2/3 starter…Not Bad.
  2. They got a score of 5 for their offense/lineup because they have a squad of decent to really good hitters versus pretty bad hitters. In this regard I am not only talking about slugging because as you may or may not know, the Angels are known for playing small ball, but they aren’t even getting good RBI numbers. I don’t think this team’s offense can really do damage at all to one of the championship caliber teams this year.
  3. They got a score of 8 for their defense because the Angels have always prided themselves on being a hallmark for a good defensive team and this is no reason to believe that this 2011 team is any different. The only hiccup within this defense is the fact that their shortstop, Aybar, has had too many errors at the position in the past two years.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because if you look at all the guys overall, they add up to an average bullpen. I really don’t like the fact that their closer, Fernando Rodney, has a career ERA in the 4.00s. That is way too high of an ERA in order to have a successful closer. The rest of the guys are you average run of the mill relievers (in regard to their career numbers)
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles because although the Angels have nothing negative going for them this year, they also have nothing really positive to look forward to. The only reason I took one point away from their score is because they did not get the man they wanted during the offseason (Crawford).


Tomorrow I will be covering the last team in the AL West (and now really the last Cali team in the league, made a mistake yesterday), the Oakland Athletics, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Texas Rangers

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: C.J. Wilson; Center: Neftali Feliz; Right: Josh Hamilton

Best Pitcher: C.J. Wilson; Make/Break Year: Neftali Feliz; Best Batter: Josh Hamilton; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 9
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 8

Potential Record: 93-69; I have the Rangers winning a couple of more games for two conditional reasons. The first, if Neftali Feliz is converted to a starter that might provide some more wins. The second, if Josh Hamilton is healthy all year, you can expect him to be a big help for the team. If both go well, they can potentially win more games.

Place in the division: 1st; I have the Rangers winning this division again because their is no other reason to except not to. Every other team in this division is worse than them and the only competition in the league is no longer on their level (for 2011).

Scoring Detail

The Rangers got an overall score of 32 for various reasons. A score of 32 indicates that this team will perform well above average (64%), and because of this will easily win this division again.

  1. They got a score of 6 for starting pitching because outside of C.J. Wilson and Brandon Webb, the Rangers have a rotation of 4 starter type guys. Now, that may not necessarily be a horrible thing in the weak division that they are in but in evaluating them separately as a team, it is not the best either. This team will realize how much they will miss Cliff Lee in the second half of the year.
  2. They got a score of 9 for their offense/lineup because this is what you call a slugging team. The majority of the starting hitters have career OPS numbers of .750 to .800 and above. The Rangers have always been known to be offensive and this team doesn’t disappoint. A team better have their best pitchers out their facing this lineup because if not, they are looking for trouble.
  3. They got a score of 4 for their defense because I think that they have too many errors coming from their infield and that leads to too many potential runs being scored on them because of it. Like I said before in a previous post, teams that are heavily offensive tends to lack in regard to defensive and that hold true for the Rangers.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because it is a mix of either really young guys, guys who have been in the league forever (one since I was a baby) and on top of that sketchy guys (i.e. high variety of yearly performances, so the career numbers are not tied to consistency). The Rangers have to hope that their young guys can continue to replicate there first year performances last year. I want to add that the numbers for starting pitching and bullpen are reflective of having Neftali Feliz in the bullpen. If he is indeed converted to a starter, the starting pitching number will be high but the bullpen numbers will be way lower.
  5. They got a score of 8 for intangibles because the Rangers, like the Twins, are by far the best team in this division. This is impacted with the fact the Angels, their only real rivals got worse as compared to the 2011 as well as not getting anyone one of vital importance during the off season. Cliff Lee or no Cliff Lee, this team will get far, but can they reach the top? I say no.


Tomorrow I will be covering the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, the final California based team in the MLB, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Seattle Mariners

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Felix Hernandez; Right: Ichiro Suzuki

Best Pitcher: Felix Hernandez; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Ichiro Suzuki; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 4
  • Offense (lineup): 4
  • Defense: 6
  • Bullpen: 3
  • Intangibles: 3

Potential Record: 63-99; I have the Mariners winning a couple of games compared to last year and this only because I think that King Felix can get this team a couple more wins that he did last year.

Place in the division: 4th; I have the Mariners in the same place in the division as last year (last place, the AL West on has four teams).

Scoring Detail

The Mariners got an overall score of 20 for various reasons. A score of 20 indicates that this team will perform incredibly below average (40%), and will be at the bottom of the division once again.

  1. They got a score of 4 for starting pitching because this rotation is literally King Felix and 4 average to below average replaceable starters. Felix Hernandez is literally the only reason I gave them a score this high for this category. I would say without Felix this would be the worst rotation in the American League.
  2. They got a score of 4 for their offense/lineup because like their starting pitching their lineup is Ichiro and average to below average hitters. There is a reason why the Mariners are year in and year out one of the lowest scoring teams in the MLB. This team relies almost completely on Ichiro or Figgins getting on base to score runs.
  3. They got a score of 6 for defense because the Mariners have a pretty good defensive team. The only real negative in this category is Chone Figgins at third base. He did not have good defensive year at this position last year and I am not sure if this year will be any better.
  4. They got a score of 3 for bullpen because they have a crappy bullpen and that is pretty much it. The guys don’t have decent enough numbers to be considered good relievers. Not to mention their closer, Brandon League, doesn’t even have real closer like numbers.
  5. They got a score of 3 for intangibles because the Mariners have no upsides for the 2011 season. The only reason I even gave them points is that they have Cy Young winning King Felix and consistent Silver Slugger and Gold Glove winning Ichiro Suzuki on this team. The only real positives.

Tomorrow I will be covering the team that finally did it, just to fail, the Texas Rangers, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Cleveland Indians

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Chris Perez; Center: Grady Sizemore; Right: Travis Hafner

Best Pitcher: Chris Perez; Make/Break Year: Grady Sizemore; Best Batter: Travis Hafner; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images and imagesbyferg on Flickr (Hafner pic)

  • Starting Pitching: 4
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 8
  • Bullpen: 7
  • Intangibles: 2

Potential Record: 71-91; I have the Indians a couple more games this year and I think this will happen due to having a healthy Grady Sizemore. If he’s healthy the whole season, he can win more, if not they will probably just be the same.

Place in the division: 4th; I have the Indians in the same place they were last year mainly because the two teams (Tigers & White Sox) above them on paper (i.e. my evaluations) are pretty similar, they continue to be ahead of this team. This team constantly under performs.

Scoring Detail

The Indians got an overall score of 28 for various reasons. A score of 28 indicates that this team will perform slightly above average (56%), but will not get far in this division because of their history. I really think that they have the potential to do better but I can’t give them higher if they don’t prove that they can do better.

  1. They got a score of 4 for starting pitching because the Indians have a rotation average to below average starters. Their ace, Fausto Carmona, has fluctuating numbers depending on the numbers of innings pitched. It is integral for him to pitch about 200 innings this year, that way this score will reflect a higher number. Where there is negative there is also some positive.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense/lineup because they have a pretty good hitting team, better yet a really good hitting team. When facing the Indians, there is always chance of them coming back in to a game if the opposing pitcher has a slip up. This team could have gotten a higher score but this season is really going to depend on the health of Grady Sizemore.
  3. They got a score of 8 for defense because the Indians have a good defensive team. In the course of the season, you barely see the guys on this team make any mistakes. To get the ball past these guys, you will have to have a genuine hit because you won’t get too many free bases due to errors.
  4. They got a score of 7 for bullpen because they have a strong bullpen. Nearly all the guys have respectable numbers not only last year but through their entire careers (majors). Their closer, Chris Perez, had a career year with an ERA of 1.71 and I have confidence that as long as he more chances to pitch, he’ll be consistent.
  5. They got a score of 2 for intangibles because they always seem to do worse than what they actually are. I look at the Indians roster and wonder why aren’t they doing better in this division. Of course, they could prove me wrong in 2011 but just like the rest of the teams in Cleveland, they can’t catch a break.


Tomorrow, I will be covering my first team from the AL West, another team with much problems, the Seattle Mariners, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Minnesota Twins

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Joe Nathan; Center: Justin Morneau; Right: Joe Mauer

Best Pitcher: Joe Nathan; Make/Break Year: Justin Morneau; Best Batter: Joe Mauer; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 8
  • Defense: 7
  • Bullpen: 8
  • Intangibles: 7

Potential Record: 96-66; I have the Twins winning a couple more games than last year and that is because I am assuming that Morneau will remain healthy and contribute more wins that last year. I only boosted the number games by a little because I don’t think Pavano is going replicate last year.

Place in the division: 1st; I have the Twins in the exact same spot in the division because they have nothing to worry about. They are the best team in the division. They know that and so do the rest of the teams in the division.

Scoring Detail

The Twins got an overall score of 36 for various reasons. A score of 36 indicates that this team will perform very much above average (72%), and will easily capture this division once again.

  1. They got a score of 6 for starting pitching because the Twins have a rotation full of average pitchers, in some cases a little below and others a little above. From what I can tell right now, they are looking to put Pavano as their number one for 2011 and I don’t think that is right. They are really hoping he had a year like he did last year.
  2. They got a score of 8 for their offense/lineup because this is a good hitting team. When playing the Twins, you know that they will beat you with their offense rather than their pitching. There is not really a bad hitter on this team at all and the only reason they did not get a 9 (no team deserves a 10 in this category) is because they have rookie player in the bunch this year and you don’t know what you will get from him.
  3. They got a score of 7 for their defense because like their offense, there is no bad defenders on this team. They honestly have really good defenders (like Mauer) and the rest are average or above average. But if you really think about it, you never hear any defensive problems coming from the Twins.
  4. They got a score of 8 for their bullpen because overall, the Twins have a really good bullpen. Most of their relievers have either really great or above average ERAs and almost all of them have good WHIP numbers, something an effective bullpen needs a lot of. The only knock I have their bullpen is the fact that they have a couple of guys who haven’t pitched in awhile and you don’t know how that will affect their 2011.
  5. They got a score of 7 for intangibles because they play in a crappy division that will keep having them as winners. The Twins are by far the best team in this division and as long as the majority of the team is healthy, they have nothing to worry about. I would have given them higher in intangibles but they can’t have their best hitter not being able to hit home runs at their new park (Target Field).


Tomorrow I will be covering the last team in this division, a team in a sports desperate city, the Cleveland Indians, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Kansas City Royals

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Joakim Soria; Right: Billy Butler

Best Pitcher: Joakim Soria; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Billy Butler; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 1
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 62-100; I have Royals losing more games this season and this is obviously due to losing their ace Greinke. If he thought that they were bad when he was with them, watch them get worse.

Place in the division: 5th; I have the Royals in the last place once again in the division because they stunk before and now that have gotten even worse.


Scoring Detail

The Royals got an overall score of 22 for various reasons. A score of 22 indicates that this team will perform well below average (44%), and because of it will find themselves all the way at the bottom, once again.

  1. They got a score of 1 for starting pitching because when you have your first pitcher, your ace, with a career ERA above a 4.50, you don’t deserve anything higher. This rotation is full of guys with numbers typical for a number 5 starter. Losing Greinke was a real detriment for this rotation and mad it dramatically worse.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because the Royals do have some decent hitters by regular baseball standards. Most of the guys have average BAs and OPS numbers but they know how to get on base. The Royals are a team that does not have the problem of getting hits, they have the problem of converting those hits into actual runs, thus their score reflects it.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because overall, this is a team full of pretty average defenders. None of the guys on this team jump out at you as prime defenders (except maybe Jeff Francoeur) but none of them jump out at you as really bad defenders either.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because most the guys on the team are average or lower than average relievers. A lot of them have ERAs in the high 4.00s to 5.00s. The Royals have a lot of young relievers so I can’t give them too high of a score but I do have to respect Joakim Soria as a closer. He’s the one positive in a team full of negative.
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles because while their are no off the field positive or negatives affecting how the Royals will play but I have to take a point off because of losing Greinke. You can expect a lot less people going to their games than the mediocre amount that went before. This can effect the psyche of a team. One that is not a good team anyways just to realize that they got that much worse.


Tomorrow I will be covering a team with some positive upsides, the Minnesota Twins, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Chicago White Sox

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Mark Buehrle; Center: A.J. Pierzynski; Right: Paul Konerko

Best Pitcher: Mark Buehrle; Make/Break Year: A.J. Pierzynski; Best Batter: Paul Konerko; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 5
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 7
  • Intangibles: 5

Potential Record: 86-76; I have the White Sox losing a couple of games this year compared to last year. The only real reason for this is because I think that the race for 2nd between them and the Tigers will be very close in 2011.

Place in the division: 2nd; I have the White Sox in the exact same place in the division as last year. In evaluating the White Sox against the Tigers, I realize that they are pretty equal teams but I think the better than average bullpen that the White Sox have will make them prevail.

Scoring Detail

The White Sox got an overall score of 28 for various reasons. A score of 28 indicates that this team will perform a little better than average (56%), and because of the advantage in their bullpen, will capture second place in the division.

  1. They got a score of 5 for starting pitching because the White Sox starting rotation is average at best. Even their ace Mark Buehrle, has career numbers that are only a little better than average. Don’t shoot me White Sox fans but your main guy is highly overrated. After him, there are streaky guys and guys with career ERAs in the mid to high 4.00s and WHIPs around 1.5.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense/lineup because just like the Tigers, this team has it’s fair share of really good hitters and decent hitters. Looking at their lineup, everyone one of the batters are capable of being a vital part of the White Sox’s offense. So why didn’t I give them higher? Because the addition of Adam Dunn, is not going to be as much of a value as a lot of people think it is. Dunn struck out 199 times last year and that was in the National League. Coming to American League, facing better pitchers overall and having less at bats due to being a DH, you can expect his ratio of strikeouts per at bats to be ridiculously high.
  3. They got a score of 4 for defense mainly due to two guys in the infield. The rest of the team are pretty good defenders but their shortstop Alexei Ramirez had 20 errors for the 2009 and 2010 seasons each. Their second baseman, Gordon Beckham is not much better with 14 and 12 errors, respectively.
  4. They got a score of 7 for their bullpen because the White Sox have an above average bullpen. Most of the guys have really good ERAs and WHIPs and seem to be effective. The only negative I have against this bullpen is that they have a couple young guys (coming off rookie season) and one streaky pitcher.
  5. They got a score of 5 for intangibles because like all the other teams that got 5 in this category, the White Sox have no real positive or negative off the field aspects that may affect their 2011 season.


Tomorrow I will be covering, the Kansas City Royals, a team with not much going for them, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Detroit Tigers

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Justin Verlander; Center: Magglio Ordonez; Right: Miguel Cabrera

Best Pitcher: Justin Verlander; Make/Break Year: Magglio Ordonez; Best Batter: Miguel Cabrera; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 5

Potential Record: 84-78; I have the Tigers winning a couple more games this year mainly because I feel that they can and will go over .500 this year. The Tigers have proven that they can win games in the past and I think they can do it again.

Place in the division: 3rd; I have the Tigers in the same place in the division as last year simply because the team I have placed above them are overall better and the teams below them are that much worse.


Scoring Detail

The Tigers got an overall score of 28 for various reasons. A score of 28 indicates that this team will perform a little better than average (56%), and this will lead them only to a middle spot in the division.

  1. They got a score of 6 for starting pitching because this rotation has two really good pitchers in Verlander and Scherzer but the rest of the pitchers are average at best. That is not to say that this is a bad rotation. But after those two guys, there is a toss up if the Tigers will win or lose the game, which you never have with your starters.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense/lineup because the Tigers have some really good hitters on their team, in name and proven by their numbers. While this is a good lineup, it is not a perfect one. There is still questions on Magglio Ordóñez’s health that could negatively affect their offensive production for 2011.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because overall they have a mix of strong defenders and streaky defenders. As you may know now by reading my previous team posts, I don’t like streaky guys (in respect to what I am judging), you never know what you player you are going to get any year. It is because of this I only give the Tigers a score of 5.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because it very similar to their starting pitching in that it is mix of good relief pitchers and average relievers. The only real difference is that they have a few young guys and one streaky pitcher and thus I gave them 1 point less in this category compared to starting.
  5. They got a score of 5 for intangibles because their is no real major positives or negative affecting the Tigers this year. I know that some people will mention the Miguel Cabrera mess that happened this spring but I think when he starts getting his numbers, everyone will so forget, especially the Tigers.


Tomorrow (which is technically later on today because the lateness of this post), I will be covering the Chicago White Sox, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Philadelphia Phillies

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Roy Halladay; Center: Cliff Lee; Right: Ryan Howard

Best Pitcher: Roy Halladay; Make/Break Year: Cliff Lee; Best Batter: Ryan Howard; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 10
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Bullpen: 4
  • Intangibles: 9

Potential Record: 102-60; I have the Phillies of course winning more games than last year and you can easily attribute this to the signing of Cliff Lee. While the Phillies are the only 100 winning team in the National League I predict, they will not be the only one in the league to get to 100 wins in 2011.

Place in the division: 1st; I have the Phillies winning this division again and with the prediction of winning the most games in the league (probably the entire MLB) in 2011, there is no need for further explanation.


Scoring Detail

The Phillies got an overall score of 36 for various reasons. A score of 36 indicates that this team will perform very highly above average (72%), this will not only lead to this team being division winner but also heavy favorites to win the World Series.

  1. They got a score of 10 for starting pitching because if anyone wants to know what (realistic) perfection in rotation looks like, you just have to look here. There is absolutely no way I can give the Phillies lower than a 10 with a rotation that has 2 aces (Halladay, Lee) 2 near aces (Hamels, Oswalt) and a very solid 5th starter in Blanton.
  2. They got a score of 7 for offense/lineup because this is the perfect example of an team’s offense who looks scary by name but if you really break them down, they are not that all that frightening. The Phillies got a drop in their score here due to losing Jayson Werth, who was their only real solid right handed hitter and the health problems of Chase Utley. Call me crazy if you want, this team’s offense as of 2011 is not as good as advertised. This lineup screams TOO MANY LEFTIES (hint: like another team disliked in NYC).
  3. They got a score of 6 for their defense because the Phillies have above average defenders. The majority of the guys on the team have a low amount of errors through the year and thus are effective at their respective position. So why the only a score of 6 for their defense, the major health question in Utley and the fact the Ryan Howard does not have the best defensive numbers at first base, which I took into account.
  4. They got a score of 4 for their bullpen because they have a mixture of average relievers and streaky relievers, that’s it. I can’t not wholeheartedly give a team with a closer as streaky and unclutch as Brad Lidge a high score for bullpen. Your closer is the like the mother of the bullpen, nothing can be born without it and this with this bullpen, momma got some stale eggs.
  5. They got a score of 9 for intangibles because in 2011 the world is theirs. Almost everyone in and around baseball see the Phillies as the team to beat this year and they couldn’t be any happier. The only reason I gave them a 9 and not a 10 is because there is always going to be a bit of doubt if they can handle all of the pressure.


Finally, I am done with the National League, tell me what you think. Tomorrow, the first team in the AL I will be covering is the Detroit Tigers, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: New York Mets

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Francisco Rodriguez (K-Rod); Center: Jose Reyes; Right: David Wright

Best Pitcher: Francisco Rodriguez (K-Rod) ; Make/Break Year: Jose Reyes; Best Batter: David Wright; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 4
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 3

Potential Record: 77-85; I have the Mets losing a couple more games than last year and this is mainly due to the loss of Johan Santana. I think that the offense can cover for some the losses they will incur from losing Santana but not all of them.

Place in the division: 4th; I have the Mets in the exact same position as last year because the teams above them got better while they got worse. Sorry to say this Mets fans but not having Santana can potentially cause your team to be in last place. Taking out intangibles, the Mets and the Nationals are pretty equal teams. Gotta hope that they are better.

Scoring Detail

The Mets got an overall score of 23 for various reasons. A score of 23 indicates that this team will perform less than average (46%), and because of this, they will not get far in this division at all.

  1. They got a score of 4 for starting pitching because they have rotation full of slightly below average guys. For nearly all of them guys in this rotation, they have career ERAs in the mid to high 4.00s and WHIPs around 1.50. There are two major reasons why this starting rotation got a point knocked for just being average and this is because Johan Santana is out indefinitely (the current word) for 2011 and I don’t have confidence that R.A. Dickey can repeat last year seasons. And even if Dickey does repeat last year’s accomplishments, it won’t be enough to help this rotation.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because overall it is a decent lineup. They have key (well above average) hitters in Jason Bay and David Wright (and Jose Reyes, if healthy). The rest of the guys have decent hitters in their own respect. The only real big knock I have against the Mets offense is that they currently have too many young starters coming off of their rookie seasons. The sophomore slump could really hurt this team if it occurs. A positive however is that Jason Bay could have potential had a bad year in 2010 (his numbers were lower than his average), he could have a rebound in 2011.
  3. They got a score of 5 for defense because the Mets have a mix of good, bad and average defenders, which is common amongst teams in the MLB. A major problem with this defense is that there are some negatives that could affect this team. The first being the health problems of Jose Reyes, the second being Carlos Beltran’s age, the third being the fact that they have a pretty young starting catcher. If none of these are a problem however, their defense should be fine.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because like their defense, they have a mix of good relievers (i.e. K-Rod), bad relievers and average relievers.  They also have a rookie guy (Pedro Beato) in their bullpen as well. Something interesting I noted about this team is they have to let Oliver Perez pitch more innings over the year, his numbers are better when he pitches at least 100+ innings.
  5. They got a score of 3 for intangibles for one major reason and by now I think we all know that the Mets are going through money problems. I won’t be going in depth on their situation (there are many articles online which speak of it) but it is important to know that their money problems hurt them two-fold. One, the PR from this can cast a bad shadow over the season. And Two, with not enough money to have the team full functional, you can’t make many roster moves because you won’t know how much it will all cost.

It really was hard to objectively rate this team (my Yankee Pride had to get subsided), tomorrow I will be covering the team in the NL everyone really cares about and my final team in this league, the Philadelphia Phillies, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Florida Marlins

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Josh Johnson; Center: Javier Vazquez; Right: Hanley Ramirez

Best Pitcher: Josh Johnson; Make/Break Year: Javier Vazquez; Best Batter: Hanley Ramirez; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 6
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 6
  • Intangibles: 5

Potential Record: 82-80; I have the Marlins with the flip of their exact record last year.There is no real special reason why I have them winning 2 more games than last year except for the fact that I think that they will go over .500 this year.

Place in the division: 3rd; I have the Marlins in the exact same spot in the division as last year. This is partially due to them staying the same and partially due to the teams above them improving/staying the same and the teams below them getting worse/staying the same.

Scoring Detail

The Marlins got an overall score of 27 for various reasons. A score of 27 indicates that this team will perform a little better than average (56%), which will place them smack dab in the middle of this division.

  1. They got a score of 6 for starting pitching because after Josh Johnson, this rotation is a collection full of pretty average pitchers. What makes them average. They all pretty much have career ERAs in the mid to high 3.00s and some low to mid 4.00s and WHIPs around 1.50. This rotation is not bad but then again it is not so good either.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because there is nothing that really excites me about this line (except Hanley Ramirez) but in saying that, they have decent enough hitters. Will these guys be the major force behind winning games?, I say no, but I do think that these guys can get enough runs to at least back their pitchers.
  3. They got a score of 4 for defense because they do not have a strong defensive infield at all. Their shortstop (Ramirez) though is an offense monster, is not an excellent defender. He has too much errors for my liking. Another problem I have with the Marlins infield is that they don’t have a real starting 3rd baseman, a very important part of any team’s defense. If you don’t have a good defender at the hot corner, expect to give up a lot of hits.
  4. They got a score of 6 for their bullpen because it is just a little better than average. Most of the guys have decent numbers but again I don’t like that fact that their closer, Leo Nunez, has an ERA in the mid 3.00s, a little too high for a respectable closer. Other than that, some guys have been streaky in their career. What I mean by that is they have some really good years, then some really bad years and some decent years. You don’t know what your get from these guys. Their bullpen will depend a lot of what kind of year they are having.
  5. They got a score of 5 for intangibles for the pretty exact same reason as the Nationals, so I won’t go in depth explaining this score. If you want to see the reason read my previous post (obvious ignore the Nationals related stuff with respect to the Marlins).

Tomorrow I will be covering New York’s Anti-Yankees, your lovable losers (seems like more than one way now), the New York Mets, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Washington Nationals

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Livan Hernandez; Center: Stephen Strasburg; Right: Jayson Werth

Best Pitcher: Livan Hernandez; Make/Break Year: Stephen Strasburg; Best Batter: Jayson Werth; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 4
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 5

Potential Record: 75-87; I have the Nationals winning more games this year mainly because of their offensive acquisitions. With that being said, the increase in the numbers of wins are going to be because of the improved offense.

Place in the division: 5th; I have the Nationals in the same place in the division as last year even though I think that they will improve. They are not quite there yet to move up in this division. However, this will change in the next coming years.

Scoring Detail

The Nationals got an overall score of 25 for various reasons. A score of 25 indicates that this team will perform at the exact epitome of average (50%) and in this division, being just average puts you in the last spot.

  1. They got a score of 4 for starting pitching because they have rotation full of guys with mid to high 4.00 career ERAs and career WHIPs around 1.50 to 1.60. For those who may not know, that is not good at all. It may be fine if you fourth or five starter has numbers like that, not your first through third guys as well.
  2. They got a score of7 for their offense/lineup because they have a team full of decent hitters, that is guys with average and above average numbers. I do have to say that the acquisitions the Nationals made with getting Ankiel and Werth really boosted this team’s offense and thus reflects in this score.
  3. They got a score of 4 for their defense because it is simply below average. Honestly, you can’t get a high score in the defense department when you have a shortstop who had 34 errors last year. Everyone else is average or just below, not to mention they have an aging catcher in Ivan (Pudge) Rodriguez.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because they have an average bullpen. The majority of the guys have ERAs in the mid 3.00s, which is pretty much average for a decent bullpen. The Nationals could have potentially got higher in this score but I’m kinda iffy with their closer coming off of his rookie season.
  5. They got a score of 5 for intangibles because (as I explained in a previous team’s post) the Nationals don’t really have any negative or positives off the field that will really effect them THIS year. I know you could say being the division with the Phillies is a negative for them but then you would be assuming that this team could even fight for the top spot, I don’t think they are anywhere near doing so. And just so you know, I emphasized the word “this” because their future does look brighter with Strasburg and Harper waiting.

P.S. I want to explain the make or break year for this team. I chose Strasburg, not because he will impact this year in the sense of winning or losing but because he’s recovery from Tommy John surgery plays a lot on this team’s future.

Tomorrow I will be covering the team with a new fancy stadium, the Florida Marlins, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Atlanta Braves

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: Derek Lowe; Center: Jason Heyward; Right: Chipper Jones

Best Pitcher: Derek Lowe ; Make/Break Year: Jason Heyward; Best Batter: Chipper Jones; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 8
  • Offense (lineup): 8
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 7
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 93-69; I have this team winning a couple of more games than last year but basically having the same results. This team did not really improve nor downgrade. A lot of the Braves record is riding on whether their young guys can do it all again this year.

Place in the division: 2nd; I have this team in the exact same spot as last year and sadly for them, it has nothing (negative) to do with their own effort. It is because they are in the division with the Phillies. It is going to be extra hard for this team to try to pass them to get this division.

Scoring Detail

The Braves got an overall score of 32 for various reasons. A score of 32 indicates that this team will perform well above average (64%), but it will be enough to capture the division. That is what happens when you are in this division.

  1. They got a score of 8 for starting pitching because although none of these names jump out at you as superstars of the game, they all have really good numbers. The guys in this rotation have good career ERAs and good career WHIPs. You can expect many good pitching games from the guys on this team.
  2. They got a score of 8 for their offense/lineup because a majority of guys on this team have amazing numbers. A lot of the guys have above average BAs and OPS’s in the .800s and above. And all of you who have read my posts on batter’s statistics know that OPS numbers like that are pretty amazing.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because as I said and will say a billion times more, they have a pretty decent defense. The Braves defense could have gotten higher if was not for the fact that Chipper Jones is getting up their in age and Dan Uggla is known to be a pretty horrible defender. Funny enough, these are their best hitters on the team.
  4. They got a score of 7 for their bullpen because these guys have the type of numbers that a team’s relief pitchers should have. Most of the pitchers career have ERAs in the 2.00s to low 3.00s and respectable WHIP numbers. If you want to know why they only scored a 7, it’s because they have a lot of guys coming off their rookie season. Those guys got prove that they won’t have the stereotypical sophomore slumps.
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles for two main reasons. The first reason is because they are in the division with the 3 consecutive time division winning Phillies, which is something they will have to deal with. The second reason is because they have a lot of really young guys on the team. While youth is an asset in most cases, too much youth (in respect to the bullpen especially) is not always to best thing.

Tomorrow I will be covering the team with a lot of future upside, the Washington Nationals, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Colorado Rockies

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left/Center: Ubaldo Jimenez; Right: Troy Tulowitzki

Best Pitcher: Ubaldo Jimenez ; Make/Break Year: Ubaldo Jimenez; Best Batter: Troy Tulowitzki; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 3
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 6
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 83-79; I have the Rockies losing 7 more games than they did last year mainly because I am not entirely sure Jimenez can replicate what he did last year. He was Cy Young-like in the beginning and middle of the season, which rightfully got them to 90 wins, don’t think that this going to happen again.

Place in the division: 4th; I have this team getting bumped down two spots in the division because I don’t think that I will replicate what they did last year. As I explained more below, they are coming off of a fluke really good year. If they want to be higher, their offense will have to do the work.

Scoring Detail

The Rockies got an overall score of 26 for various reasons. A score of 26 indicates that this team will perform barely above average (52%) and because of it, they will not get very far in this division.

  1. They got a score of 3 for starting pitching because altogether this is a bad rotation. I am really surprised that these guys were able to win as much games as they did. The guys overall have a combined average ERA in the high 4.00s and their WHIPs are not good either. This team is lucky that have Ubaldo Jimenez because he is by FAR the best pitcher in this rotation. He has to have another career year as he did last year to even let this team have a real chance in the division.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because they don’t have a lineup of very great players (of course with the exception of Tulo, he’s exceptional), but they are good enough on their own. Looking at the batting average of most these guys, you would think that they do not have good offense, but then you would be fooling yourself. Going beyond the BA, these guys get on base, thus the have very respectable OBP numbers and some of the guys have really good OPS numbers.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because the guys on the team are decent defenders. Like most teams who are more offensive, the Rockies defense lack in regard to the offense. No one on this team is really a star defender but no one is a scrub defender either.
  4. They got a score of 6 for their bullpen because the guys here overall are better than they are worse. What I mean by this that there are more efficient relief pitchers than there are non-efficient relief pitchers. Unlike their starting pitching, a lot of these guys have good WHIPs. Their score is at a 6 and not higher because although the guys are pretty good, that is all they are…not too much better than the average bullpen/relief pitchers.
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles mainly because I don’t think this team can do it again. There are too many guys on the team who had fluke good years. Now of course, I could be wrong in this regard but a team with a history of a little better than average happens to have a really good year does not me it will translate to the next season. I guess you can say their intangibles is based off of my intuition.

Tomorrow, I will starting with the last division in the National League, the NL East, the team I will be covering is the Atlanta Braves, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Arizona Diamondbacks

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Left: J.J. Putz; Center: None; Right: Justin Upton

Best Pitcher: J.J. Putz ; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Justin Upton; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 2
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 2
  • Intangibles: 3

Potential Record: 70-92; I have this winning a couple more games than last year but definitely not enough to do anything with. I only have them winning this many because I think this offense can carry this team to at 70 wins.

Place in the division: 5th; The D’Backs will be back in the same spot as last year in the division…last place. While it seems that all other teams in this division have a fighting chance for a top spot, this team always ends up not invited to the party.

Scoring Detail

The D’Backs got an overall score of 17 for various reasons. A score of 17 indicates that this team will perform well below average (34%), this means that this team will be in last place in the division.

  1. They got a score of 2 for starting pitching because this is a really bad rotation. You that you don’t have good starting pitching when your second starting pitcher is Ian Kennedy. For those who may not know, he was a reliever with the Yankees three years prior. I would have given this team a score of 1 for this category if it wasn’t for Daniel Hudson.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because this is the only good aspect of this team. They have what you would call B to B+ hitters (except Justin Upton, who is better than that). These guys have numbers good enough to get by but they won’t be enough to be able to contend for anything.
  3. They got a score of 4 for their defense because they have too many defenders with too many errors at their respective position. Beside that, their defense is not bad enough to lower or good enough to deserve any higher.
  4. They got a score of 2 for their bullpen because it is just as bad as their starting pitching. The majority of the guys have high ERAs and high WHIPs, which is not good for relief pitchers (or starting pitchers for that matter). They score is also low due to the fact that they have a lot of young guys (coming off of rookie season) in this bullpen.
  5. They got a score of 3 for intangibles because they, like the Cubs and Pirates, are a team that have been know for their mediocrity and that has to weigh down on a team. While their winning percentage is not as bad as the Pirates, there are cases (like last year) when this percentage barely reach .400 (winning 40% of their games).

Tomorrow, I will be covering the last team left in the NL West, the Colorado Rockies, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: Los Angeles Dodgers

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Right: Clayton Kershaw; Center: Matt Kemp; Left: Andre Ethier

Best Pitcher: Clayton Kershaw; Make/Break Year: Matt Kemp; Best Batter: Andre Ethier; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 7
  • Offense (lineup): 7
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 5
  • Intangibles: 4

Potential Record: 90-72; I have this team winning more games this coming season and the main reason for this is, I think that Dodgers are actually going to play up to their level of talent. If you look at the guys they have on the team, there is no real reason for them to be doing as bad as they did last year.

Place in the division: 2nd; Due to the increase in the number of games won, I have the Dodgers bumping up two spots in the division to second place. This team is very capable of even capturing first place in this division, but that is going to heavily depend on how the Giants will perform (read my previous post on the Giants to see how they rank).

Scoring Detail

The Dodgers got an overall score of 28 for various reasons. A score of 28 indicates that this team will perform slightly better above average  (56%), with this score, they will be capable of capturing the second place in the division.

  1. They got a score of 7 for starting pitching because they have really good ace in Kershaw and the rest of the rotation are full of guys with decent ERAs but really good WHIP. With that combination in their rotation, they should be capable of winning more games this season. The Dodgers just have to play to their talent level.
  2. They got a score of 7 for their offense/lineup because this is what I was would consider an above average offense but not quite yet perfected. They have really good hitters in Matt Kemp and Andre Ethier and most of the rest of the lineup holds their own. This offense should produce many runs, it’s just all about the execution.
  3. They got a score of 5 for defense because this team varies from having really good defenders at certain positions (i.e. Barajas at catcher) to guys with really bad defensive numbers at other positions (i.e. Furcal at shortstop, too many errors per season). This all equates to an overall average defense. The good makes up for some of the bad.
  4. They got a score of 5 for their bullpen because it is a typical average bullpen. I honestly would have given this team a higher number for bullpen but I don’t like the fact that their closer Broxton has an ERA is the 3.00s. I consider that to high for to viewed as even a decent closer. Besides him, like their defense, the good makes up for the bad.
  5. They got a score of 4 for intangibles because of the financial troubles that the front office seems to be going through. What the Dodgers’ front office is dealing with in this regard is only on a small magnitude, thus it only weighed little in their overall score for intangibles.

Tomorrow, I will covering one of the other non California teams in this division, the Arizona Diamondbacks, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: San Diego Padres

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Right: Mat Latos; Left: Brad Hawpe

Best Pitcher: Mat Latos; Make/Break Year: None; Best Batter: Brad Hawpe; edited with Picnik; photos ©Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 5
  • Offense (lineup): 5
  • Defense: 4
  • Bullpen: 8
  • Intangibles: 5

Potential Record: 86-76; I have this team losing a couple more games this season as compared to last season. The main reason for the decrease in games is due to losing Adrian Gonzalez. This team is pretty much the same as last year and thus only losing one guy won’t drastically effect their record.

Place in the division: 3rd; I have this team dropping one place from second to third as compared to last season. This is due to them losing a couple more games than last year (as explained directly above) and in the normally tight NL West, a couple games can be the difference from winning the division and totally being out of the race in the end.

Scoring Detail

The Padres got an overall score of 27 for various reasons. A score of 27 indicates that this team will perform slightly above average (54%), and because of it will not get to far in this division.

  1. They got a score of 5 for starting pitching because their starting rotation is literally Mat Latos plus random below average pitchers. It really is that bad. Mat Latos is a really good starting pitcher and it looks like he is going to have to be the King Felix of this team if they want to win most games (especially with Adrian Gonzalez gone).
  2. They got a score of 5 for their offense/lineup because it really just average at best. That is not to say that they don’t have any good hitters, it’s just that their bad ones make this team equal out at just a score of five. The Padres (I say) are going to struggle to win games off of offense due to the losing of Adrian Gonzalez (who is now on the Red Sox).
  3. They got a score of 4 for their defense because their defense is just below average. It is not a really bad defense to say, it is just not up to the level of a league average team’s defense. I can’t give the Padres a higher score for defense when some of their starters have a high number of errors at their positions last year.
  4. They got a score of 8 for their bullpen because this is what I would call a really good bullpen, perhaps one of the best in the entire National League. They have a future Hall of Fame closer in Heath Bell and bunch of guys with good ERAs and WHIP numbers. The reason this bullpen did not get a perfect score is because a couple of the guys had some prior erratic seasons (not too long ago) that I took into account.
  5. They got a score of 5 for intangibles because I feel there is nothing too positive going for this team but in the same breath, there is nothing too negative going for this team either. I use the score of 5 for intangibles as the neutral number to give the team at hand (this case the Padres) a fair, non-biased final score. You can think of this score as not having any real intangibles either way.

Tomorrow I will be covering the final California team in this division, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Until Next Time…

2011 Team Breakdown: San Francisco Giants

Please refer to the MLB: 2011 Team Breakdowns post for how I evaluate the teams

Right: Tim Lincecum; Center: Buster Posey; Right: Pablo Sandoval

Best Pitcher: Tim Lincecum ; Make/Break Year: Buster Posey; Best Batter: Pablo Sandoval; edited with Picnik; photos ©AP and Getty Images

  • Starting Pitching: 7
  • Offense (lineup): 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Bullpen: 7
  • Intangibles: 7

Potential Record: 93-69; I have this team performing the same way they did last year. They are pretty much the same exact team that won last year (except now they have a healthy Sandoval). I don’t this see team letting up but I also don’t see them getting that much better. It will be a (good) surprise if they do even better than the last season’s record.

Place in the division: 1st; It was really hard to come up with the teams’ place in division for this NL West. The race in this division always tend to come down to the last week or so of games, but I have more confidence in this team to win this division again. A lot is weighing on how they handle coming off their championship year. They could easily find themselves in the two spot if they start to slip up.

Scoring Detail

The Giants got an overall score of 32 for various reasons. A score of 32 indicates that this team will perform above average (64%), and thus will (in my eyes) win the NL West again.

  1. They got a score of 7 for starting pitching because obviously the Giants have good pitching. If anyone one watched even one game of the World Series, you would know that they won primarily on their rotation alone. The only reason why I gave this rotation less than perfect is because I am not sure if they can do it all over again. I have confidence in Lincecum and Cain but not the other three.
  2. They got a score of 6 for their offense/lineup because they don’t have the scariest lineup in the world but it is good enough to score runs (not a lot, but enough to win games). Taking out this team’s performance in the postseason last year (which was not how they normally played), you will notice that they don’t score a lot of runs in a game. They tend to score on average 3 runs or less. I can’t give them any higher because of that.
  3. They got a score of 5 for their defense because they have a decent defense but nothing to rave about. No one talks about the Giants defense game and they rightful don’t have to, they make up for their average defense with good scores in their other categories.
  4. They got a score of 7 for their bullpen because like their starting pitching, it was an integral part of them winning the World Series last year. Overall they have really good guys but they got a lower score for this category because in the mix, there are some not so stellar guys. But I have to mention that a lot of their relief pitchers have amazingly good WHIPs.
  5. They got a score of 7 for intangibles and it is this high but not high enough for the exact same reason. The score is high because, yes, they won the World Series, but not only that. In the postseason, which includes their division and championship series games, they played in a style that we are not used to them playing in, they were very offense. This leads to the team’s confidence being very high. Now, the reason why it is not higher is because, everyone is gunning for the number spot and the Giants are numero uno. Can they handle be defending champions, I don’t know?

Tomorrow, I will be covering another California team in this division, the San Diego Padres, Until Next Time…